Long-term Family Planning Training Courses
Thanks to Community Health Africa a Poverty Solution (CHAPS) for their donation for training our midwives in long term family planning, family planning products and backpacks for our mobile nurses
A special thanks to Miteku Andualem Limenih, Assistant Professor of Clinical Midwifery, at the School of Midwifery, and a longtime friend of SMMMS, Dr Baye Chernat, Deputy Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology, for the excellent programme.
With this training, SMMMS will begin offering expanded family planning services at the seven health centres they support in the Simien Mountains, as well as their
During the month of July, SMMMS conducted two training courses on Long- Term Reversible Family Planning for our 15 midwives. The courses were organized and delivered by the University of Gonder Hospital, College of Medical and Health Sciences. They were two weeks in length and covered physiology and clinical practice, including the insertion and removal of multiple implants and intrauterine contraceptive devises, as well as the role of counselling.